Have communication and trust issues left you feeling like divorce is the best option? Are you overwhelmed by the difficult emotions and questions that are arising during the divorce process? Are you struggling to agree on a parenting plan and a fair settlement that will help your child thrive? You may recognize that you and your partner can’t reconcile your differences, but you have decided to work together and responsibly part ways. You might want or need information and guidance to put a system in place that will provide a consistent schedule and ease the transition your family feels. Alternately, you or your partner may need help responding to issues, such as substance abuse, domestic violence or working with Child Protective Services. Do you wish you knew how to talk to your son or daughter about the divorce and could create a plan with your spouse that will protect and nurture your child?
Do You Worry About The Impact Divorce Could Have On Your Child?
Many Families Choose to Create a Parenting Plan With A Parent Coordinator Or Facilitator
Going through a divorce is one of the most stressful times in a person’s life, and many parents wonder if they are doing everything they can and should to protect their child. Divorce is a complicated legal event, and having a detailed plan can help you and your child feel secure and supported throughout the process. By learning how to set aside discord and work together, you and your co-parent can take steps to protect the best interests of your child. A parent coordinator or facilitator can offer you guidance and a safe space for a thorough, collaborative, facilitated and organized discussion with your co-parent. You can plan for a variety of factors you didn’t think you needed to talk about, including your child’s extracurricular activities, who’s paying for new clothes and how each of you feels about the many developmental ways a child will change over the course of their childhood and adolescent years.
When you meet with a parent coordinator, your sessions are completely confidential, so you can work through your disagreements and challenges without fear of it showing up in court. A parent facilitator, on the other hand, provides the same level of planning and support, but your sessions are not protected by confidentiality in the state of Texas and is often utilized post-divorce to settle high-conflict. As a parent coordinator and a certified parent facilitator, I can help you and your spouse develop the parenting plan and skills you need to help your child feel safe and secure. And, when you both agree on a plan that you have created together, you can bring it to your attorney to include your decisions in the divorce decree or take back to the Court should you be involved in post-divorce litigation.
You Can Work Together To Do What’s Best For Your Child
I foster a warm, welcoming environment that maintains everyone’s integrity while emphasizing your child’s wellbeing. I recognize that when parents fight, many children believe that they are the cause of the discord and conflict. As you and your co-parent navigate the challenges of your separation or divorce, I will help you learn how to maintain positive dialogue in order to protect your child. When you learn new ways to communicate and co-parent, you can manage and reduce the conflict, tension and stress impacting your family.
During our work together, I can help you develop the communication skills you need to collaborate and agree on a parenting plan. You and your co-parent will learn how to identify disputed issues, reduce misunderstandings, clarify your priorities, explore possibilities for problem solving, and develop methods of collaborating. It is important to note that working with a parent coordinator or facilitator is not the same thing as going through divorce mediation. Whereas a mediator can help you and your partner negotiate a divorce settlement, a certified coordinator/facilitator provides the resources and support you need to build an effective parenting plan and facilitate healthy conversation. The process is not therapy.
My experience as a therapist allows me to identify and address unhealthy or unproductive communication and behavioral patterns that may be limiting your ability to resolve conflict. I can help you and your partner learn to communicate effectively. I cannot see court-ordered parent-facilitator/coordinator clients as a therapist. That said, if we determine that you or your partner would benefit from specialized counseling for issues like anxiety, depression or substance abuse, I can refer you to another qualified therapist.
I am trained in collaborative law and certified in Advanced Family/Divorce/Child Custody Mediation, and I ensure that the parenting plan we create can be used in your divorce decree if you choose. However, there is nothing binding about the decisions you make in my office until you have a signed divorce decree, and you can feel comfortable sharing your emotions and exploring solutions openly and honestly. You can take the space you need to make sure that you are only agreeing to parenting decisions that truly make sense to you.
Working with a parent coordinator or facilitator allows you to be your own voice on parenting decisions.
With my guidance and support, you can work with your ex-partner to address divorce and parenting concerns and reduce the impact of your separation on your child.
But, you may still have questions or concerns about working with a parent facilitator or coordinator...
What if my spouse refuses to attend or participate in our sessions?
It can be frustrating when your spouse digs in his or her heals on an issue and extends or complicates the divorce process. But, even if you come in alone, this is a chance for you to cross your t’s and dot your i’s, clarifying what you want in the divorce and where you should be prepared to hold your ground. Additionally, your partner may see the work that you are doing and decide to start attending in order to have a say in the plans you are making.
I don’t have time to see a parent coordinator or facilitator.
Working with a parent coordinator or parent facilitator can be time consuming, and I will do my best to accommodate your schedule. But, I encourage you to remember that you are investing time now in order to safeguard your child’s present and future wellbeing
I’m not sure meeting with a parent coordinator will work.
You may worry that you’ll spend time and money meeting with a coordinator or facilitator, but you and your spouse still won’t be able to agree on a parenting plan. While there may be a few sticking points we need to work through, I provide a safe space and directive support to help you develop an extensive and mutually satisfying plan together.
You Can Protect And Support Your Child During Divorce
If you are ready to work together with your spouse to develop a parenting plan that will help your child thrive during and after divorce, I invite you to contact me at 214-520-4000 or the button below to schedule an initial consultation.