Our culture has changed and so have the way relationships work.
If you are looking for couples therapy that leads you and your partner towards greater intimacy and awareness within your relationship, Lorri can help. Having spent a number of years training with Terrance Real, New York Times bestselling author of The New Rules of Marriage, Lorri has the strategies to help you and your partner cultivate a new relationship.
Are you stuck in a pattern in your relationship that you and your partner can’t seem to break?
- Do you find yourself arguing and not being able to reach resolution?
- Do you feel your partner doesn’t hear you and you are left feeling invalidated and alone?
- Are you worried your children are going to download a toxic template and won’t have a future functional marriage?
- Have you been to marriage counselors before to end up back in the same patterns of who is right and who is wrong?
You may have all the signs pointing to being in a very hopeless relationship, but it may just be that you need to boost your relationship into becoming a 21-st century relationship…
A successful partnership requires leaving behind outdated, old messaging regarding what it takes to have a successful relationship.
Take a minute and remember where your model of intimacy came from? How did mom and dad relate, communicate during conflict, and show affection? What worked? What didn’t? You downloaded both as your model on how to be intimate and vulnerable.
Do you wish you had a road map on how to effectively communicate, repair past damage, and strengthen the “us” aspects of your relationship?
Most couples need winning strategies to learn how to be relationally fit.
There are strategies to move your relationship beyond where you are at currently. Sometimes, and oftentimes is the case, there is a set pattern of behavior that needs to be amended so that one or both people can realign to cherishing a connection with each other.
It is reassuring when you and your partner are in agreement regarding how you negotiate and handle conflict. You and your partner will learn to get your needs met while sustaining the “closeness that healthy getting and giving brings.” – Terry Real
Through joining in each other’s truth, even if it doesn’t match, you both learn to feel appreciated and desired within the sacredness of the “us” aspects of the relationship. You will learn the gift of interdependence and celebrate sharing to be known without fear of retribution or retaliation.