Relationship Bootcamp -
Transform Your Connections

What Should I Expect from the Relationship Bootcamp?

The Relationship Bootcamp is an authorized two-day intensive workshop where you will learn essential skills from Relational Life Therapy (RLT). This Bootcamp is structured to embody the teachings of internationally recognized therapist and bestselling author, Terry Real. RLT is known for sparking profound, lasting change in individuals and their relationships.

You will learn through a combination of lecture, small group exercises, and personal reflections guided by the Relational Life Institute Certified Therapists  (senior RLT therapists trained by Terry Real.)

The Relationship Bootcamp takes place in person for two full days:
Saturday-Sunday, October 19-20, 2024

Discover the Real Work of Relationships…

We know that relationships take work, but few of us know what that work actually is…

The real work of relationships isn’t occasional, it’s minute-to-minute.

And this workshop will teach you those critical minute-to-minute skills that build and sustain true intimacy.

By the end of the two days, you’ll have the skills to:

  • Override your knee-jerk reactions in heated moments to navigate conflict calmly.
  • Break free from the losing strategies that block you from enjoying true intimacy.
  • Complain without blame and get more of what you want from your relationship.
  • Encourage, not discourage, your partner’s efforts, and celebrate progress.
  • Let go of the battle of who’s right and work together to find a solution.

Join us for this transformative workshop to learn the powerful relational skills you need to create the deeply connected relationship you yearn for.

Workshop Structure

You’ll gain a wealth of practical skills you can use immediately to build healthier, more meaningful relationships, including:

  • Identify Obstacles and the Losing Strategies that you and your partner do to self-protect that keeps you from having a deeply satisfying relationship.
  • Self-Esteem and Boundaries and how these impact your ability to stay-in connection. Explore where you are in the Relationship Grid and strategies on how to move into the Center of Health
  • Grounding Techniques to effectively engage in challenging conversations and how to know when your partner is grounded and ready for relationality.
  • Communication Skills including: speaking with intention towards repair and being able to clearly identify the role of who is the speaker and who is the listener, a vital skill, leading to de-escalation of conflict.
  • Assertiveness: asking for what you want in a way that empowers you and your partner. Learn how to resolve conflict without feeling shut out or attacked.
  • Nurturing Connection: using winning strategies to nurture your connection, cherish your partner and invite warmth, curiosity, and generosity into your home.

Who Should Join?

The Relationship Bootcamp is suitable for:

  • Individuals looking to overcome their barriers to intimacy and cultivate more meaningful relationships.
  • Mental health professionals looking to deepen their understanding of the RLT model.

Meet Your Facilitator

Lorri Lancashire, LPC

In Private practice, Dallas, Texas

I have been a licensed therapist since 2015 and am a Certified Relational Life Therapist. I am committed to helping individuals and couples with their relational recovery. I consider myself an enthusiastic advocate for Relational Life Therapy (RLT) as a transformative model, and am driven by a vision for a more harmonious world.

Register for the Relationship Bootcamp

You can join as a couple or individual. Prices include two full days of training. Participants are responsible for booking their own travel and accommodation. Ready to commit? Click here to sign up for updates and receive everything you need to prepare!

Join as Couple

Join as a Individual

Cancellation Policy:

You may cancel 14 days before the training begins and receive a refund. There are no refunds 10 days or less from when the training begins. You may receive a credit to be used for a future Bootcamp should you need to cancel after the 10 days.

This is an authorized presentation of Terry Real’s Relational Bootcamp, using the skills and principles from his Relational Life Therapy (RLT) model.

How the Relationship Bootcamp Has Helped Others

“Terry Real’s Boot Camp was life-changing for me and my husband. We’ve been together 30+ years so it’d be fair to wonder what would we possibly have to work on. My love-avoidant, grandiose man said this shifted our relationship to a deeper, more loving level; his love-dependent, grandiose wife agrees. The Boot Camp weekend opened up new ways to talk, to see ourselves and to love each other.”

— Sarah P., Portland, OR

“My wife and I both found RLI’s workshop to be exceptional, and well worth the time and effort to fly to Boston. I would recommend it highly, particularly to couples having communication problems. RLI’s approach is unique, but common sense, so it is easy to understand and, hopefully, to apply.”

— A.M., Toronto

“The couples work that you do is so valuable — we are relating now in a wholly new and expansive way. It’s what each of us knew we were missing but could not have found on our own. Thank you so much!”

 — Tod, Boston, MA

“For therapists doing couples work, the Boot Camp is a great chance to see a compilation/distillation of RLT skills in action, plus a great way to do your own relational work. That last part was valuable beyond measure and has shaped my work as a therapist and partner in powerful ways.”

— Sarah P.

“I have found that most couples really want a relationship that works for both people and they have no idea how to make that happen. Once they learn that implementing a set of learned skills can achieve their goal, the majority of couples are willing to do things differently. They become empowered to change!”

 — J.G., Dallas, TX

Bootcamp in Action